Our Services
We pride ourselves on being executive search advisors for emerging to middle market growth companies in the regions we operate. As the retained executive search division, we help companies build superior leadership teams that enable profitability and create a sustainable competitive advantage.
We are unique executive search firm and have an unwavering focus on specialized and leadership functions, including C-level (CEOs, Executive Directors, CFOs, COOs), across all industries.
Our success rate is attributed to our hands-on, consultative approach, personal attention and proven business processes.
To find out more about our executive search recruitment services or executive opportunities in your area, please contact our Executive Search consultant through: ceo@sucess-action.com
Our training & consultancy services are designed to assist you in the development of a cutting-edge workforce so that you or your team can excel in today’s competitive environment.
We offer a wide variety of solutions either on an in-house basis or through our open programmes. Courses can be specifically tailored to meet your needs or you can choose from our extensive range of programmes. please contact our Training Consultant through : ceo@sucess-action.com
We design, deliver and evaluate bespoke management training and development programmes for all levels of management whether they be aspiring ones or existing ones who wish to enhance their knowledge and skills.
Programmes can be of any length including modular. We have experience of delivering a wide range of interventions in all sectors. Our Management development practice might also focus specifically on the following areas:
Giving feedback
Performance Management, Appraisal, Review and Development
Recruitment, Selection and Induction
Interview skills practice – including CVs
Managing Change
Coaching and Mentoring
Communication skills and Presentation Skills
Building successful teams
Personal Development & Learning
One of the key assets of a business is its employees and it’s vital that the day-to-day management of employee administration is carried out accurately, effectively and in a timely manner.
SAHRM offers a flexible range of outsourced HR solutions designed to fit the needs of your business, from fully outsourced HR support to HR software applications, as well as employment law.
Whether your business is small, medium or large, we can provide cost effective Remote outsourced HR support to meet your needs. With a team of highly professional HR consultants at your disposal you can be sure that you are providing the very best HR solution for your employees and, at the same time, protecting your organization.
For Further details please get in touch with us at : ceo@sucess-action.com